
Voyageur Council
That’s right… we’ll get you there!

Party Date

Saturday June 1st
10am to 4pm

Have questions?

Let’s try to answer them!


Registration dates, changes, and fee details


Who can attend, what does each participant require


Transportation options, hubs, early departures

Day Of Event

Arrivals, youth needs, what do we bring


Food options, section responsibilities, allergies

Other Questions

Have a question that isn’t answered here?

Food and Catering Frequently Asked Questions

We’re sure that you have questions – so let’s try to answer them!  Take a look at the FAQ regarding food below.

Still don’t see your question? Please reach out with the Have a Question form below.

Will there be catering options?


No, after surveying the attendees in advance there was not enough interest for us to be able to provide this option.

We have to bring our own food?


Yes, each Colony is expected to bring their own food. This can include lunches, snacks, treats, drinks, etc.

What type of food can we bring?


You are responsible for ensuring that you accomodate any allergies or restrictions of your Colony.

Each section should be self-sufficient, but we recommend that you abide by school safe policies.

Our Colony has allergies


Unfortunately we cannot ensure everyone who attends the event will accomodate your allergies.

If you have allergies, we recommend that you consume your lunch and snacks away from other Colonies if you're uncertain, and ensure that those within your Colony abide by them.

It is the Scouter in Charge's responsibility to ensure all allergies and medications are properly tracked and available.

Will there be anything on site?


We hope to have a limited number of food vendors, but nothing confirmed yet.

What about... coffee?


We understand that Scouters surive on coffee and tea, so we're working to get a provider on-site.