
Voyageur Council
That’s right… we’ll get you there!

Party Date

Saturday June 1st
10am to 4pm

Bucket Hats

Firstly, we need to let everyone know that there will not be any bucket hats included in the swag bags for those that purchased the swag option.

We apologize for that, however we have been told it will not be possible for them to be added.

The Beaver 50th swag for all councils was handled by the national team, in order to procure the same items across Canada and to obtain a good discount with a bulk order. Unfortunately we have been told that they were not able to source the bucket hats at a discount (each Council was charged a set fee for swag per attendee), as the bag, t-shirt, and other items reached that budget limit.

The cost for each hat is set at $29.99, which I’m sure you can understand would be more than half our our attendee fee, in addition to the existing swag cost.

Please note that the adult and youth bucket hats will be available on the Scout Shop, although we’re not sure when, for $29.99.

Beaver 50th Gear on Scout Shop and ScoutGear!

For those who want to be extra Beaver-50th for 2024, or who have members who aren’t attending out party, some extra items are starting to appear on the Scout Shop, and have also been produced by the amazing team at ScoutGear!

Take a look… most of it is still “coming soon”, but keep an eye out.